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The long, narrow format is based on the "Art Cards" done by various illustrators and produced by the New York MTA.
A subway car full of fictional characters, mostly appealing to children.
From left to right, including, but not comprehensively:
Dumbledore, Chingachgook (Last of the Mohicans), Dorothy, Wicked Witch, Ulhura, Spider Man, Sherlock Holmes, Red Riding Hood, Frankenstein's monster, Jeannie (I Dream of), Annie Oakley like woman in western gear, Steve from Blue’s Clues, Xena, Super Man, Han Solo, Peter Pan, Wonder Woman, The Man with the Yellow Hat and Curious George’s foot, Captain Rex, Count of Monte Cristo, Scout, the Seventh Samurai, Indiana Jones, Hermione, The Scarecrow, Alice, Sleeping Beauty, Pippi Longstocking, Cat Woman, Ahab, Captain America, Princess Leia, Mario, the Mummy, Christopher Robin, Robin, Mace Windu, The Tin Man, Tia (Princess and the Frog), Storm... and others too partial to mention.